
The 19th Members’ Art Show and Sale

28th - 30th October 2016

For only the second time in its history, this took place at the Cowbridge Halls, Hertford. Once again the Members rose to the occasion and put on a varied and vibrant show of work of a very high standard. The light and spacious surroundings made this a show which was a delight to walk around and, of course, there was the lure of tea and homemade cakes at the back of the hall! Visitors have told me and other stewards how much they enjoy this show and what a credit it is to the Society. Thirty six paintings were sold and also many cards (always a popular feature of the show).

Left: 'Spirit of St. Pancras, Renaissance Hotel' by Bob Boenke. Right: 'Shed Window at Walberswick No.1' by John Jarratt.

As always, the subjects of the paintings were many and varied but I did notice that the effects of light on the subject, be it landscape, portrait or still life, were a strong feature of this show. Atmospheric lighting was evident in all the award winners' paintings.

Left: 'Autumn Glow' by Rita Dare. Right: 'Lunch' by Craig Lee.

Award winners were:

  • John Godden Award (Members' Choice): 'Autumn Glow' by Rita Dare - a painting which lived up to its name with glowing colours.
  • Visitors' Choice Award: 'The Soloist' by Chris Baker - a moment of stillness as a ballet dancer pauses, beautifully lit and in a restrained palette.
  • May Bennett Award (Still Life): 'Lunch' by Craig Lee - a little gem of a painting of bread and luscious cheeses which looked positively edible!
  • Mark Ely Award (Most Innovative/Intriguing Work): 'Spirit of St. Pancras, Renaissance Hotel' by Bob Boenke - a fascinating digital monochrome image with the famous spiral staircase and ghostly images - very appropriate for the Hallowe'en weekend.
  • The Marie Goldsmith Award (for a Member who has not received formal recognition but continues to show a high standard of work). A new award in memory of a much missed Member: This goes to John Jarratt for both past work and his painting 'Shed Window at Walberswick No.1', a masterly painting which drew crowds of admirers in the show.

'The Soloist' by Chris Baker.

There was great variety of paintings, in a range of media - something to suit every taste. In addition to the framed paintings, artists contributed unframed works and some 3D items. Our 3D artists are encouraged to contribute more of their work in future shows as the Cowbridge Halls is an ideal space to display sculpture and other 3D items.

Finally, our thanks go to all those Members who worked hard for their Society's Show, whether setting up or dismantling, stewarding or making teas (and cakes!). You are too many to name but we all know who you are and we all appreciate the time you put into making this show such a success.

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Member's Show Awards

We are grateful to our Sponsors for the following Awards.

Each year the following prizes are awarded:

  1. The John Godden Award for the best in Show chosen by the Members, donated by the Godden family.
  2. The Visitors' Choice Award supported by Hertford's Art Shop, Hertfordshire Graphics.
  3. The May Bennett Award for the best Still Life, donated by the Bennett family.
  4. The Most Intriguing/Innovative Artwork - from 2010, the additional prize is a free website design & hosting for 1 year, donated by Mark Ely of